But, enough of that. This is a Harvest Monday post, and I'd like to show you my harvest for the week. The first picture..... green stuff. And lots of it! Mostly lettuce and peas. Actually, mostly lettuce. This is just a portion of what I picked, and a smaller portion of what's out there still. I think it's spring's version of zucchini!

And....... Ta Da! Potatoes! I've never grown potatoes before, and was not expecting any quite so soon. Half of my plants have died, and I thought they were supposed to go way longer into the summer, and flower first, although actually maybe they are and I just got lucky to get any. I'm not complaining either way. I didn't pick the blue ones, since the plants haven't turned brown yet, so I can look forward to more. These are the last of the cherries. We don't remember what kind they are, but they sure have been good. The brown eggs next to the cherries?? Those are from my young chickens! They started laying a few weeks ago, and their eggs are just so cute. They're about 2/3 the size of the green eggs from our old hens, but just as beautiful as they can be! I'm real excited to have them laying.

Totals for the week:
lettuce: 3.1 lbs
peas: 2 lbs
zucchini: .4 lbs
potatoes: 10.8 lbs
cherries: 2.75 lbs
cabbage: 3 lbs
Harvest Monday is a day to show off your harvests, how you are saving your harvest, or how you are using your harvest. Would you like to see more? Go to Daphne's place and check out all the things other folks are getting this week.