Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Going Bald???

Today, I'm in a funky mood. Just be forewarned. I'm not going to talk about gardening, or making cookies, or sewing. I'm not going to upload a cutesy picture of baby eggs from my baby hens, or what's going on outside. This is just.... funky.

I've been told the healthy adult loses about 100 hairs each day. That sounds like alot, especially when I see it all rolled up in a ball, ready to get thrown away. You know, I think I could make a coat for a rather large gerbil. Just from what I lose each day! This is what came out of my head in the last 24 hours. Can you believe it?


  1. :O} Well it looks pretty with the ribbon at least! Have you had your thyroid checked lately? Might be a sympthom?

  2. I'd have my thyroid checked if I were you. I had mine checked 30 years hair was falling out (it was way long) and I was really weepy...non-functioning thyroid...they put me on meds and now my hair grows from my shoulders to my waist in about 4 years...swear...and I'm not weepy...lots of energy and great peace of mind....yep...have your thyroid checked.

  3. So it's not only me! My hair falls off too, and gosh... maybe I'll have to check my thyroid too!!! Let's do it!

  4. Yes, next week I have a blood test to check on my thyroid levels. I had it removed 2 1/2 years ago. Long story. I'm telling myself my hair is getting long is why I'm noticing it now. I don't have any of the other symptoms of low thyroid levels. Well, except it's easy for me to gain weight, but that's probably because it's too easy to consume more calories than I work off. Go figure! We'll see.

  5. I have the same problem! I swept my bedroom today and got a huge hairball.The brush and shower drain stay full of hair. Thyroid has been checked yearly. It always comes back good and I still have a THICK head of hair... GO FIGURE!

  6. Cindy, my hair is very thick, but not as thick as it used to be. I'm thinking of cutting enough to donate, and then starting to grow it back again. I've done that twice before. Pretty cool.

  7. I know hair grows faster in the summer time (really) so maybe the old hairs get pushed out faster then, too?

    Really great that you have donated your hair. An unselfish thing to do.

  8. Men will do that to you everytime..make your hair fall out, that is... :-)

  9. Lori, I have also heard lack of vitamin B / B12 complex may be the cause too... ?

  10. That was should have seen the "hamster" that I pulled out of the drain of Patricia's shower at her apartment. She was awestruck!!! Remember the one that I took out of the shower at the Lake that time??? That one was totally disgusting. Aren't you glad that you have this outlet to discuss such important things???

    Patricia wants to know if you have baby chickens??
