And I love putting back art on my quilts! This one is no different.

I still need to finish the binding. A great hand project for sitting next to the wood stove!
Gardening-it's one of my hobbies. I also enjoy quilting, cooking, and of course kids. This is a conglomeration of those things, and sometimes more!
My tomatoes slowed down a little this week, although I still gave lots away. I didn’t can any tomatoes this week, although I tried the Zucchini Relish that The Frugal Gardener makes. What a great use for those zucchini that I somehow miss on the vines! I ended up with 6 pints of relish, plus a little smidgeon I put in a small container in the frig. I tried it with a pepper jack cheese sandwich, and it was very good. I’m sure the next time I make this recipe, it won’t take me near as long as this first one did!
I’m enjoying the first of my cucumbers this week. It’s so nice to walk outside and grab a few to go with the tomatoes I slice for dinner. I even took some in a salad I made for a potluck on Friday. This week was also the very beginning of our apples. I can see the applesauce coming already! And I’m running out of pint jars! Geoff bought more while he was in town, so I wouldn’t have to make a special trip when I start making the stuff. Michael (our oldest) really likes applesauce, so I think I’ll can a bunch in quarts to send home with him. The quarts are much faster, and I have tons of them in the garage just waiting to be filled. I selectively picked a basketful of
The total for this week is: 44.125 pounds
Tomatoes; 22.625 lbs
Squash; 5.5 lbs
Peppers; .5 lbs
Herbs; .625 lbs
Chard; 4.375 lbs
Cucumbers; 4.5 lbs
Apples! 6.75 lbs